a. TATmart.com is committed to receiving and handling disputes and complaints from Customers related to transactions on TATmart.com. In the event of a dispute or complaint, TATmart.com prioritizes negotiation and mediation between the parties to maintain relationships and customer trust in the quality of TATmart.com's services.
b. TATmart.com respects and strictly adheres to the provisions of the law on consumer protection. Any fraudulent or deceptive business practices will be handled according to TATmart.com's regulations and current laws.
TATmart.com and the Seller are responsible for receiving complaints and assisting Customers related to transactions on TATmart.com. In the event of a dispute, TATmart.com prioritizes negotiation and mediation between the parties, specifically carried out through the following steps:
Customers file a complaint about a Product purchased on the TATmart.com website via:
TATmart.com's complaint handling department will receive complaints, contact the Customer to clarify their requests as soon as possible, and within no more than 5 working days from the date of receipt of the request. Depending on the nature and level of the matter, TATmart.com will take specific measures to support the Customer in resolving the complaint or dispute in accordance with TATmart.com's regulations and current laws.
TATmart.com may request the Customer or Seller to provide additional information or evidence related to the transaction or Product to verify and clarify the matter.
When requested, TATmart.com will provide information related to the Customer or Seller (related to the dispute or complaint) if agreed upon by the Customer or Seller or within the scope permitted by law.
After verifying the matter, TATmart.com will provide a formal resolution for the Customer.
If TATmart.com and the parties have made efforts to resolve the issue through negotiation and agreement but are still unable to resolve the arising conflict, either party may bring the matter to a competent state agency for resolution to ensure their lawful interests.