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WORKPRO 20 inch tool bag W081004

Sold by: TAT Mall
CODE: 2038400028987
Hotline: 1900 299 918

WORKPRO W081004 20 inch tool bag is made of high-quality fabric (polyester) to ensure sturdiness, high durability, and long-term use. Tool bag is designed with large capacity, many different functional compartments so users can comfortably store tools such as hammers, pliers, drills, or small components such as bolts, nuts...

WORKPRO W081004 is suitable for the work of mechanics, auto mechanics, civil electricians, electronics, air conditioner repairmen...

WORKPRO W081004 20 inch tool bag

WORKPRO W081004 20 inch tool bag

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310.000 đ
 / Cái
Estimate: 310.000 đ
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1 - 10
310.000 đ
11 - 21
299.000 đ
289.000 đ
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Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh
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WORKPRO 20 inch tool bag W081004
310.000 đ